First Step to Final Offer

First Step to Final Offer

Join 2k+ students getting tactical advice to navigate the undergrad finance recruiting landscape written by current & former bankers delivered to your inbox weekly.


What People Are Saying

“Every issue of First Step to Final Offer is packed with insights, resources, and opportunities. As an undergrad, navigating the finance sector can be overwhelming, but this newsletter has made the process easy and fun. ”

George RSophomore at Georgetown

“Since subscribing to Fist Step to Final Offer, I've felt more informed and prepared for recruiting. The curated internship opportunities are invaluable, and the weekly resources have given me a clear direction on what to focus my prep on. Highly recommended for any undergrad looking to recruit for a finance role”

Jordan T.Sophomore at Michigan

“First Step to Final Offer is more than just a newsletter; it's a mentor in your inbox. The weekly curated opportunities allow me to save time and apply to roles curated by the RecruitU team”

Isabela F.Sophomore at NYU

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